Whether you are going for a quick road trip to visit your relatives or flying across countries, travelling with twins can be stressful for all parents.

But if you have the right preparation and strategy, then travelling with your twins from one point to the other can become fun. 

We have complied a list below to help you be less stressful and to have a better time during your trip:

1- Be strategic when it comes to packing your twin’s clothes. Buy two large ziploc bags that can hold all the clothes of one child and the other separately. 

This will come in useful when you have to get them ready and you can just get it from their ziploc bag instead dog rummaging around your suitcase. 

This will save time and you can tensing stress-free. 


2- Always pack snacks for your twins that you can keep in your carry-on.

If you are going on a road trip, then you can keep all your snacks in a small cooler that can fit in the trunk of your car. 


3- Toys are the best way to keep your twins entertained and occupied while you can sit and relax your vacation. 

You can bring their favourite toys with them to help them calm down and fall asleep faster or buy them new toys as rewards for behaving good while they travel with you. 

If you want to buy new toys or puzzles online to keep your twins entertained for hours on end then do visit lilamigosnest


4- When it comes to flying across countries, you can either choose to book a seat for them or not. 

If your child is below 2 years old then they will have to be seated on your lap. In this case, you and your partner can choose for aisle seats, one in front of the other so you can visit the washroom quickly, if needed. 


5- You can bring two single strollers with you to help carry your twins around. Check your flight details for the weight restrictions for your strollers. 


6- If you are going on a car trip, then install good, safe FAA-approved car seats that will hold your babies securely throughout the drive.

If you are flying to a new destination then the hotel can provide a cab to pick you up and will also provide car seats for your twins. 


7- Be mindful of how many diapers, baby wipes and formulas you need to pack for this trip. 

You can check beforehand the nearest medical store near your hotel so you can restock on all these things quickly, when needed. 


8- Always carry a small first-aid box with various ointments, bandages and pain relievers. You can also carry your insurance card which can come in handy during emergencies. 


9- On the night before your trip, make sure you pack all you important documents, paperwork, IDs and passports for both you and your twins securely in your carry-on. 


10- Babies raw unpredictable so be prepared for small incidents that can happen. Make sure you start for your trip well before hand so you can manage to reach your destination in time. 


We know travelling with twins is not easy no matter how much you prepare as something can always go wrong. 

It’s important for you to understand you can not control their emotions. Let them be kids! 

Please remember to breathe and ask for help from your partner if you feel stressed out as the main goal of a vacation is to have a good time and make beautiful memories. 

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